
Greetings from the garden on a warm fall day! It was a scorching September, but now we are getting a taste of the early morning cardigan weather and late evening chills. The cooler mornings have made our garden club get togethers much more pleasant. This time of year calls for bed building, hauling in new loads of mulch, and lots and lots of seed starting. Below you'll find a glimpse of the activities on Marais!

Here our 4H kids club krewe is working to decorate pumpkins for the garden! 

 Above you'll see Miss Alexis teaching the littles about the life cycle of a butterfly! 
And, this. Well, this is a chicken. She's an Americauna and her eggs will be blue! 

This is one of a few trays our littlest gardeners seeded last week during club for our butterfly garden.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you in the garden! 
4600 Marais
