
This land is fallow, but amongst this land I see life.

I went over to our Garden on Marais yesterday to collect what I hope to be the last of the dirt we need for testing. Halfway through, Benjamin's and my labors I left him to his pick ax and picked up my camera. I captured a few frames to share with you what I see. The land is filled with weeds and the soil has not been broken since Hurricane Katrina. In the thick of these weeds I came across wild flowers and wild onions! Within this foul land there remains beauty and life!

Joy filled my heart as I shot photos and felt reawakened to the possibilities for our garden. Sure it is only a quarter of an acre, but a quarter of an acre filled with vegetables, fruit, and perhaps a brood of hens! Just imagine a land that provides space for our community to gather around the table to enjoy recently harvested food and fellowship.

I leave you with a quote:

"There is no spot of ground however arid, bare, or ugly that cannot be tamed into such a state as may give an impression of beauty and delight." - Anonymous
