Today we kick off the Sponsor a Square Foot Campaign! This is an opportunity for folks near and far to get involved. Our goal is to implement Phase One by March 5th, 2011. This includes installing a rain water catchment system and amending the soil. In addition we will debut our first fruits: citrus trees and berry bushes. Total cost of Phase One is $3,000.
Here's how it works. Garden on Marais is a ten thousand square foot piece of land. Each square foot being worth one dollar. One dollar invested has potential to yield six dollars of produce! A worthy investment indeed. The benefits of neighborhood garden are numerous. Some of them being food security, and the creation of a beautiful space for fellowship and celebration.
If you would like to sponsor Garden on Marais you can do so by check, or through PayPal. Donations by check should be addressed to 'Elan Ministries, Inc. with Garden on Marais in the memo line, mail to 2613 N. Miro Street New Orleans, LA 70117. Every donation is greatly appreciated.
Be sure to check back for updates on our Sponsor a Square Foot Campaign!
Grace to you from our Father
Kayla Marie
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